
October 4, 2010

Fruits, Vegetables, and Accountability-Part 1

 My goal for this week is to eat my way through this yummy assortment of fruits and veggies.   
It was so fun picking them out at the grocery store on Saturday.  You know the scene:  a vast array of colors and textures, shapes and sizes that bedazzles the eyes.  Would have been even more fun at my local farmer's market.  Truth is, I didn't want to be rushed through my quiet time outside.  Something tells me it was one of the last warm-enough mornings of the year to enjoy myself there.  

It is with a great deal of trepidation-that's a five-dollar word for fear-that I post this.  I'm on my own in this quest, for the love of my life is not a fan of this part of the food pyramid.  He is my mostly-red-meat-and-potatoes-man. 
A few (many?) of you are nodding knowingly. 

Now I'm accountable to you.
You will be rooting for me on the sidelines, I know.
Don't hesitate to let me know that, 'kay?

What if I fail?
NO!  Don't go there, Karen!
It's been so long since I challenged myself to set any meaningful goals.  
You know (don't you?), actually planned to achieve something for me.
Using the words goal, achieve, plan, and challenge in a sentence about me is scary.
I've let some of my circumstances distract me from
about what
I could achieve
for me.
And quite honestly, I've been plain ol' lazy. 
**Cleansing breath**
Begin to think of yourself as the person you are beginning to become. 
How about that word:  Beginning.
I can let myself begin.
I won't achieve my goal in one day. 
But I can achieve my goal, one meal at a time.
My ultimate goal is to fit into these jeans again by summer. 
Let's just say I'm a few sizes north of this.
 Here's what I've achieved since Saturday: 
Conquered nearly all of the strawberries. 
Used the corn and 1 onion in a recipe I'll post later.  
My DH (dear husband) liked the meat and a few of the veggies in it.  That is a big deal, folks.
Ate a banana with my Life cereal this morning. 
Steamed the cauliflower and plan to enjoy some of it at lunch.
Tonight, I stir-fried a broccoli crown, some mushrooms, a few baby carrots, 
and an onion that aren't pictured above.  
Cubed the cantelope and served it for dinner, too. 

By prepping the fruit and veggies ahead of time I've planned to have healthy food on hand for my lunches and for snacking.

Oh, I feel so good about that!

Good night.  Sleep tight. 
And don't let the zimperumpazoos bite!
(From Mercer Mayer's Just Go To Bed)

I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for You alone, O LORD,
make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

Love, Karen
*p.s.  My friend, Tiffany, over at Become Shoppertunistic, says she has
fresh fruits and veggies delivered to her home by a Community Supported Agriculture program.  That's a great way to ensure we have healthy food on hand every week and support local farmers.  (You can Google CSA to find a farm close to you.)  She also teaches classes about how to save money as you shop for items you need so you can spend it on things you want-as your budget allows.
You can also check out Watch My Weight Wednesday, Living A Changed Life, and The Year of Living Healthfully
for support in dealing with weight loss.  I do.

Linking with Roz at La Bella Vita for


Tiffany said...

Me too Karen! I signed up for a crop share. Local organic fruits and veggies are delivered to my door step! It has been. Fun adventure at a frugal price. Check out to see if they are in your area. Best wishes!

Karen said...

Thanks for your visit, Tiffany! It's on my future wish list to participate in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program to have fruits and veggies delivered to us. blessings on your day!

Catherine F. said...

Congrats on getting the prep done ahead of time - that so helps to avoid making poor choices on the run. Well done!

Julie said...

YUMMY!! I love your veggies for the week. You have a handle on this and are doing so fantastic. You will be in those jeans in no time when you keep this up.
I'm stopping by from Angie's WMWW and am following you and cheering you on. You can do this, you go girl.
Take care and God Bless!!!

Roz said...

Congrats Karen on all of your achievements that you shared. Keep up the great work! Thank you for sharing this post on Fresh Clean and Pure Friday last week. If you have another great tip/recipe or anything to share this week also, the linky for this weekend is going on now. Cheers once again! Roz at La Bella Vita


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